Sunday morning worship at 10.30
02 March led by Rev Brenda Mosedale
09 March led by Rev Donna Leigh, with Holy Communion
16 March 90th Anniversary Celebration we welcome Mr Lloyd Smale to lead worship. Everyone is invited to stay after the service for a ‘soup and pudding’ lunch. Donations are invited for ‘All we can’.
23 March led by Rev David Greenwood
30 March Worship with a difference: a creative and contemplative exploration of the theme – Soul repair
Tea and coffee is served after each service in the front foyer.
Our Fair Trade @ StThomas SHOP is open every week after worship.
Please browse the SHOP over coffee; if you have any enquiries, please ask.
Other events coming up:
SHROVE TUESDAY. 04 March. Pancakes will be served in the church from 3.30-6.30pm. Donations are invited in support of All We Can.
ASH WEDNESDAY. 05 March. A service of reflection to begin our Lent Journey led by Rev Donna Leigh. 7pm in the church.
LENT BIBLE STUDY AND DISCUSSION. Wednesdays from 12 March - 09 April at 2pm. Led by Rev Donna Leigh.
HOUSEGROUP will meet on Monday 03 March at 2.30pm. For further details, contact Mary Bews.
MESSY CHURCH. The next Messy Church is on Sunday 09 March from 3-5pm. Lots of craft activities for young children on the theme of Preparing.
CRAFT4OTHERS The next meetings are on 06 and 20 March in the church lounge. If YOU knit or crochet, you are welcome to join the group.
CHURCH COUNCIL. The next meeting is on Tuesday 11 March at 7.30pm. If there is anything that you would like raised, please speak to one of the Council Members or to one of the Sunday Stewards who can point you in the right direction.
Advance Notice:
06 April. Keith Rowbottom has been invited to lead Mortning Worship as paret of the 90th Anniversary Celebrations. IF anyone is able to host Keith and his wife on the night of Saturday 5 April, please get in touch with Mary Bews asap.
90th Anniversary Celebration
There will be a photo exhibition in the church from Sunday 6 April. Then the church will be open from Wednesday to Friday from 11am to 4pm and on Thursday evening from 5pm to 8pm for people to drop in and look at the displays.
A coffee morning will be held on Saturday 12 April from 10am - 1pm.
CORRECTION: The 'Great Big Church Clean' that was being proposed for Saturday 12 April is going to be re-scheduled so that it doesn't affect the Coffee Morning that is being held on the last day of the 90th Anniversary Exhibition.
27 April. Annual Church Meeting after Morning Worship. Everything that happens at St Thomas does so because many people carry out the various necessary functions. Particularly at this time of year, ahead of the Annual Church Meeting, we look for Church Stewards and additional members for Church Council. If you are interested in one or both roles, or would just like further information, please speak with Mary Bews.