St Thomas Methodist Church,Exeter



St Thomas Methodist Church, Cowick Street, Exeter


Sunday morning worship at 10.30am


tea/coffee will be served in the Foyer every week after worship


01 September            Rev Dr Brenda Mosedale

08 September           Rev Donna Leigh, with Holy Communion. 

Everyone is invited to stay after the services to ‘get to know’ Donna over tea/coffee and cake.

15 September            Rev Leon Dundas       

22 September           Rev Donna Leigh

29 September           ‘Worship with a difference’ led by Mr David House 


Our Fair Trade @ StThomas SHOP is open every week after worship.

Please browse the SHOP over coffee; if you have any enquiries, please ask.




Sunday 01 September 


Circuit Welcome Service at the Mint


We join with friends from across the Exeter, Coast and Country Circuit

to welcome Rev Dr Simon Leigh as Superintendent and Minister for the Mint,

 and Rev Donna Leigh as Minister for St Thomas, Sidwell Street

and Tedburn St Mary.


Refreshments will be available from 5pm; service at 6.30pm.


Presiding Minister: Rev Paul Collings

Preacher: Rev Dr Dan Haylett [Chair: Southwest Peninsula District]




Sunday 15 September from 3 – 5pm




further details from: Caroline White [07854 482349]



All images






NEXT MEETINGS: Thursdays 05 and 19 September in the Church Lounge at 7.30pm.



Please pray for …


Baby and Toddlers, Rainbows, Monday and Tuesday Brownies, Guides,  and Boys’ Brigade – Anchors, Juniors and Company Section as they begin their new sessions. 



For your diaries …


Harvest Thanksgiving: Sunday 06 October. 

10.30am All-age Worship and Parade Service, led by Rev Donna Leigh.  Donations

are invited for ‘All we can’ and/or gifts of non-perishable food for Exeter            FoodBank.


3pm informal celebration, suitable for all-ages. YOU ARE INVITED to bring a

favourite poem or reading to share, choose a favourite harvest hymn/song to be sung, or suggest a piece of music to be played.  The afternoon will conclude with a cream tea.  Donations invited for ‘All we can’.



Advance notice …


We hope many of you will be well on with filling Christmas shoe boxes for Moldova and Ukraine again this year.  Please bring them to church by Sunday 10 November ready to be delivered to the warehouse that week.  If you have any questions please speak to Mary Bews.



Situation vacant!


We are grateful to Ann Matthews for the many years she has co-ordinated the food for ‘bring and share’ lunches and other events.  As Ann has now relinquished this responsibility we are looking for a volunteer to take on this task.  Ann will tell you that everyone at St Thomas is always generous and very willing to provide food when asked, so it is not an arduous task.  We are planning for shared lunches after our celebration services during our 90th Anniversary year, and it would be lovely to have someone to help co-ordinate this.  If you feel this is something you would like to know more about before volunteering, please speak to Mary Bews.







Keep in touch …

        Rev Donna Leigh [07817 704807 /] Day Off: Friday

Mary Bews [01392 256927 /] Senior Church Steward

        Janet Lee [] Pastoral Co-ordinator 


October 2024

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