St Thomas Methodist Church, Cowick Street, Exeter
tea/coffee will be served in the Foyer every week after worship
Our Fair Trade @ StThomas SHOP is open every week after worship.
Please browse the SHOP over coffee; if you have any enquiries, please ask.
Sunday morning worship at 10.30am
02 February led by Rev Andrew Sails, including the baptism of Chimmeremma
09 February led by Mrs Ruth Goodwin and members of the Housegroup
16 February led by Rev Norman Wallwork
23 February 90th Anniversary Celebration. We welcome Rev Terry Spencer to lead worship, with Holy Communion. Everyone is invited to stay after the service for a ‘bring and share’ lunch. Please sign up on the sheet in the Foyer if you can provide something or help on the day.
If you are not a CHURCH MEMBER but are interested in exploring what being a member of the Methodist Church is all about, Donna will shortly be leading a group to look at this. Please speak to Mary Bews if you would like to add your name for the group.
Craft4Others – the group members knit and crochet beautiful handmade items for sale to raise money for the church and other charities. Thanks, particularly, for allocating some funds recently to buy additional copies of Singing the Faith. Please speak to one of the group if you would like to buy a garment.
If YOU knit or crochet you will be VERY WELCOME to join them on Thursdays in the Church Lounge at 7.30pm. NEXT MEETINGS are 06 and 20 February.
HOUSEGROUP will next meet on Monday 03 March at 2.30pm. for further details, please speak with Mary Bews.
Messy Church is on Sunday 23 February from 3 – 5pm. The theme is Forgiving
further details from: Caroline White [07854 482349]
It doesn’t seem 5 minutes since Christmas, yet LENT will soon be upon us!
Please make a note of the following dates for early Lent at St Thomas this year:
04 March: Shrove Tuesday – PANCAKES – from 3.30 – 6.30pm in the CHURCH. Donations invited to support All we Can.
05 March: Ash Wednesday – Service of Reflection, led by Rev Donna Leigh – 7pm
Lent Bible Study and Discussion – Wednesdays from 12 March – 09 April at 2pm at St Thomas, led by Rev Donna Leigh
90th Anniversary – April
Rev Keith Rowbottom will be leading worship on Sunday 06 April. If anyone is able to host him and his wife overnight on Saturday 05 April, please speak with Mary Bews asap
We are required, annually, to obtain your consent for holding personal information. Printed forms have been circulated to those who receive the Notices and Worship Resources in this format, and by email to everyone else. If you do not have a printed copy, but would prefer to complete consent this way, please speak to Sue Prouse or one of the Church Stewards.
Thank you if you have returned your completed consent; a polite reminder if you haven’t, that this needs to be done ASAP.
Keep in touch …
Rev Donna Leigh [01392 207785 /] Day Off: Friday
Mary Bews [01392 256927 /] Senior Church Steward
Janet Lee [] Pastoral Co-ordinator