Christmas at St Thomas Methodist Church.
A warm welcome awaits you at any of our special services in the run-up to Christmas.
Learn about and celebrate the true meaning of Christmas.
There are several services in the lead up to Christmas and dates will be announced when they are known.
A Christingle service for all ages where we explore the meaning of Christmas whilst making a Christingle. The orange represents the world and the lit candle represents Christ - the light of the world. A red ribbon is placed around the orange to represent the blood of Christ and then four sticks of fruit and sweets are placed on the orange to represent the four seasons and the fruits of the earth.
Carols by Candlelight - an evening of Christmas songs and readings in a candlelit church.
A 'Festival of Light' where you are welcome to come and light a candle and spend time in quiet rememberance of someone you love and miss.
An afternoon Crib Service with activities for young children.
CHRISTMAS DAY SERVICE. This begins at 10 AM where we celebrate the birth of Jesus and bring along some presents to show everyone!